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Meet Bekah


"It seems like it was just last year that Bekah started school in the Mid Valley program when we moved to Elburn.  She was welcomed by an incredible group of teachers and therapists.  They got her on an adaptive bicycle and she did laps around the school.  Students would come out to watch her and wave. Her therapist, Mandy, told us about Project Mobility, how they provide bicycles to kids like Bekah and we should apply for their Adaptive bike Giveaway.  That was 2016! 


Bekah has enjoyed her bike for many years and it has allowed her to ride with her sister and get some exercises while being outside. She loves being outside and going for a fast ride is her favorite!  


Over the last 2 years she grew and her scoliosis progressed which limited her ability to ride.  She ultimately required a spinal fusion to correct this curve in May of this year.  While she recovers, she is limited in what activity she can participate in so we decided that it was time to give back Bekah’s bike to Project Mobility so that another child could enjoy the freedom of the bicycle that Bekah enjoyed so much.  We can’t wait to see the same joy on another child and their family’s face as they experience such a cool gift!  


Thank you, Project Mobility, for all you do for our community!" 

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